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HomeAdvisor Reviews, Coupons & Information


Product Range:
User Experience:
Customer Service:
Overall: 4.75

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HomeAdvisor is a free service to homeowners, where they can search for professionals nationwide. We have over 100,000 contractors in our network that can be matched to these homeowners, from remodelers, architects, plumbers, and many more. Homeowners can be matched up to 4 professionals for each of their projects, for free! Consumers can have contractors compete for their business. By being matched to several pros in their area they can review other customer’s comments on each contractor, and pick who is right for them.

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HomeAdvisor Reviews by Customers

HomeAdvisor review by Joseph Browne

Product Range:
User Experience:
Customer Service:
Overall: 4.50

About half the selected companies didn't reply or contact me. Some that did were outrageous with their estimates. They wanted to do the whole house instead of repairs.

HomeAdvisor review by Raymond Hegwood

Product Range:
User Experience:
Customer Service:
Overall: 4.75

I have used Home Advisor twice now and both times the persons responding were expert in the subject (Kitchen Aide stove, Whirlpool refrigerator ice maker, irrigation system) and the work was completed in a reasonable timeframe and in a professional manner. Home Advisor has established itself as my Go To partner for jobs around the house.

HomeAdvisor review by Richard Kirk

Product Range:
User Experience:
Customer Service:
Overall: 5.00

A regular user of Home Advisor, have yet to go wrong with any of their pros. The pros in their stable are competent, reliable, and professional. In every instance have received a response almost instantaneously, something I was most thankful for when I had a couple of plumbing emergencies. Especially appreciate the peace of mind of their having been thoroughly vetted by Home Advisor. You may not always find the pro you need on Home Advisor, but you can be confident any you do choose.

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